Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This thing is dying, and fast.

Christ, how to sum up. I guess I'll start with this: I zonked out at around 8:30 PM last night, exhausted, with a killer headache and a really achy back. The headache's what I'm most concerned about, as it's definitely the cause of the fatigue, and I've been battling the like of it pretty consistently for over a year. It feels like there's something sitting in the bottom of my throat, and it's got strings that are hooked to my sinuses. Pretty much every day the strings are pulled and I start to find it really difficult to stay awake and the same time I get these hollow sinus headaches that feel like a lot of pressure pushing outward. It's pretty difficult to focus on anything.

I woke up this morning and the headache was even worse. It's never been this bad before. I dragged myself out of bed, drank a steaming cup of herbal "breathe easy" tea, then followed that up later with Advil and a double-shot of espresso. I CANNOT be dead today. It's our once-monthly faculty editorial meeting at work. Usually Caroline does the bulk of the work for these. I don't remember how or why we arranged things this way, that's just the way it's been for some time. I hope it isn't because I'm just not very helpful.

Caroline's been out for a week-and-a-half or so now, though. Also, we have no work-studies or interns at the moment. So I'm doing this meeting single-handed, occasionally texting Caroline when things have been confusing.

And I'm terrified, frankly. In 10 minutes we'll have our staff meeting, and then I really have to get a move-on as the FEB meeting's at 12. Caroline's really excellent at making everything at these meeting's look perfect. I, on the other hand, would never have thought of something like tying up utensils in neat little sets, with a napkin each. I'm just not very good at making things look nice. Organization, sure, I can do that. But making things presentable...not my forte.

That, and usually there are at least 2 people to carry all the groceries; one person just flat-out can't do it. At least not one me. I might have to make 2 trips.

So I guess this is sort of trial by fire.

Meanwhile, I'm supposed to get a manuscript today that I'm gonna have to prepare really quickly, and there's plenty more work to be done.

I've moved into my new place. As of yesterday there's a working stove and the windows in the living room aren't painted shut. I think the landlord's already a little sick of me pestering him about things he should be responsible for anyway. It seems like there's an endless amount of work to be done, and every time I think I'm starting to be productive I just end up creating more obstacles for myself.

Example: two days ago I got all of my clothes out of Chestnut Hill--all that was left was everything in my closet, the nice clothes that need to be hung up. After unloading everything here, I realized that my closet has no bar in it to hang stuff on. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

Yesterday I went to Home Depot and bought an adjustable closet bar. I came back, and realized I need a drill to get the screws into the wall.


I also spent 3 hours in Ikea last weekend trying to choose curtains or blinds for my room. I left with nothing but a whopping headache. Both curtains and blinds are ridiculously expensive, I wasn't sure which I wanted, and I couldn't be sure that the sizing was right or that hemming is an option. I also needed a quilt cover, and of course the ONE set I fell in love with was the set that they were sold out of.

Duh, ugh.

Everything is such a fucking hassle. My mom thinks I should have the landlord install the closet bar. But the landlord already hates me. Yesterday a member of his company(/family) came by and got the stove to work, and managed to open the living room windows--which had been painted shut. Now, however, I can't get one of the windows closed again. And the locks on 'em are still painted open.

On the BRIGHT side

despite the lack of storage space and the sparsity of electrical outlets

I love the apartment.

I'm so glad I painted my room a rich red. I wake up every morning and sunlight floods through the windows (which I can leave open now, as I'm not at ground level!). I can hear more birds than I ever could in Chestnut Hill. The cat is definitely happier, and we just have more space, and the space is more...ours: mine, Rachel's (and the cat's) already. We chose the colors ourselves. The neighbors are really nice folks.

It's a 20-minute walk to the Press now, as opposed to the hour's commute. I've been early every morning since the move. I'm not used to not having to rush around. Charlie lives about a 15 minute walk away. The studio where I used to do yoga (and may again) is 10 minutes away, and there are PEOPLE around, there's LIFE here.


Rachel moves in this weekend. Can't wait.



All set up for the meeting now (11:42 AM, meeting at 12...took a break and prepped everything mid-entry).

In other news, I have bruises all over the tops of my legs/bottoms of my stomach from moving heavy boxes by myself.

Other than the stuff I hired movers for (bed, dresser, couch, desk), I've pretty much moved everything by myself. My mother was kind enough to help, but of course she can't lift anything heavy--her assistance was more organizational/morally supportive. So I've been doing the grunt work myself, dashing back and forth to Chestnut Hill as often as possible (which is only during rush hour, basically, since I work from 9-5) and I am exhausted and apparently also bruised (physically, not emotionally).

Jeezy Q. Creezy.

All of this needs to be over. Now. Luckily I can take it, it's just insane. All I wanna do is eat pulled pork sandwiches, watch all 3 "Back to the Future" movies back-to-back, and maybe Disney's "Robin Hood" for good measure.

Fuck "Away We Go," but at least this exists:
Alexi Murdoch's "The Ragged Sea"

Meeting time! I hope there are no complaints.

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